CODE CHALLENGE: Free Code Academy

Basic Data Structure

BDS3-Arrays Add Remove Items

BDS4-Arrays Add Remove Items2

BDS5-The Splice Method

BDS7-The Slice Method

BDS10-Check For Element

BDS20-Modify Array in Object

Basic Algorithm Scripting

BAS2-Reverse a String

BAS3-Factorialize a Number

BAS4-Finding the Longest Word in a String

BAS6-Confirm Ending

BAS7-Repeat a String

BAS9-Finders Keepers

BAS11-Title Case a Sentense

BAS12-Slice and Splice

BAS13-Falsy Bouncer

BAS14-Where Do I Belong


Custom Algorithm 1

BAS2-Reverse a String

BAS4-Finding the Longest Word in a String

Custom Algorithm 2

BAS2-Reverse a String

BAS4-Finding the Longest Word in a String